10 Fun and Festive Team Building Activities for Your Christmas Workplace Party

10 Fun and Festive Team Building Activities for Your Christmas Workplace Party

The holiday season is a wonderful time to bring your employees together and foster a sense of camaraderie and teamwork. A Christmas workplace party is not only an opportunity for your team to relax and have fun, but it’s also a chance to strengthen bonds and boost morale. In this blog, we will explore 10 exciting and engaging team building activities for your Christmas workplace party. Whether you’re a human resource manager or a business owner, these activities will help create a festive atmosphere and leave your employees feeling motivated and connected.

1. Volunteering for a Local Charity: Volunteering for a local charity is a powerful team building activity that not only promotes teamwork but also allows your employees to make a positive impact in their community during the holiday season. Here are some key points to consider when organizing a volunteering event for your Christmas workplace party:

  • Purpose and Impact: Choose a local charity or organization that aligns with your company’s values and mission. Consider causes such as feeding the homeless, supporting underprivileged children, or providing assistance to the elderly. Communicate the purpose and impact of the charity to your employees, emphasizing how their involvement can make a difference in the lives of others. This will inspire a sense of purpose and fulfillment among your team members.
  • Preparing and Educating: Before the volunteering event, provide your employees with information about the charity, its mission, and the population it serves. Share stories or testimonials that highlight the impact of the organization’s work. Consider hosting a pre-event meeting or orientation to ensure everyone understands the tasks at hand and the goals of the volunteering activity.
  • Reflection and Discussion: After the volunteering event, create a space for employees to reflect and discuss their experiences. Encourage them to share their thoughts, emotions, and any lessons they learned during the activity. This can be done through a group discussion, a written reflection exercise, or even a company-wide newsletter. Celebrate the achievements and impact of the volunteering activity, fostering a sense of pride and unity among your employees.

2. Holiday-Themed Scavenger Hunt: A holiday-themed scavenger hunt is a creative and engaging team building activity that adds an element of excitement and competition to your Christmas workplace party. Here’s a closer look at how you can make a memorable holiday-themed scavenger hunt:

  • Designing Clues and Challenges: Create a series of clues and challenges that teams must solve or complete in order to move forward in the scavenger hunt. These clues can be riddles, puzzles, or trivia questions related to the holiday theme. You can hide the clues throughout your workplace, in different departments, or even in nearby areas if you have permission. Make sure the challenges are fun, engaging, and accessible to all participants.
  • Including Interactive Elements: To make the scavenger hunt more interactive and engaging, consider incorporating interactive elements like photo or video challenges. For example, teams may be required to take a group photo with a specific holiday decoration or create a short video reenacting a scene from a popular holiday movie. These interactive elements encourage creativity, collaboration, and provide fun memories to look back on.
  • Rewarding and Recognizing: To make the scavenger hunt more competitive, introduce rewards and recognition for the winning team or teams. Offer prizes such as gift cards, holiday-themed goodies, or even a trophy that can be displayed in the workplace. Additionally, recognize the efforts and creativity of all participating teams during a post-scavenger hunt celebration or award ceremony.

3. Christmas Decoration Contest: A Christmas decoration contest is a delightful team building activity that allows employees to showcase their creativity, spread holiday cheer, and foster a sense of camaraderie. Here’s some ideas at how you can maximize the impact of a Christmas decoration contest for your Christmas workplace party:

  • Judging Criteria: Establish a set of criteria on which the decorations will be judged. Consider elements like creativity, originality, craftsmanship, adherence to the theme, and overall visual impact. Communicate these criteria to the participants to ensure they understand the expectations and can align their efforts accordingly. It may be helpful to have a panel of judges or include a popular vote component to determine the winners.
  • Employee Engagement and Inclusion: Encourage employee participation and engagement throughout the Christmas decoration contest. Involve the entire workforce by allowing them to visit the decorated areas, take part in voting, or even contribute ideas or materials. This inclusivity fosters a sense of unity, encourages interaction, and spreads holiday joy throughout the workplace.
  • Maintaining Decorations: To ensure a continued festive atmosphere, consider allowing the winning team or teams to maintain their decorations throughout the holiday season. This serves as a reminder of their achievement and spreads holiday cheer throughout the workplace. However, ensure that the decorations do not interfere with work processes or safety guidelines.

4. Gingerbread House Building: Gingerbread house building is a delightful and engaging team building activity that combines creativity, problem-solving, and collaboration. It allows employees to work together to design, construct, and decorate their own gingerbread houses. Here’s a closer look at how you can make gingerbread house building activity for your Christmas workplace party a memorable one:

  • Creativity and Design: Encourage teams to unleash their creativity and design their gingerbread houses based on a specific theme or allow them the freedom to create their own unique designs. Consider providing inspiration boards or examples to spark their imagination. This allows teams to showcase their individual and collective artistic talents.
  • Decorating and Personalization: Once the gingerbread houses are constructed, teams can begin the fun part—decorating! Provide a wide array of candies, sprinkles, icing, and other decorative items for teams to use. Encourage them to personalize their gingerbread houses and pay attention to details. This allows for self-expression and adds a touch of uniqueness to each creation.
  • Sharing and Enjoyment: Encourage employees to share their gingerbread houses with others, allowing everyone to appreciate the hard work and artistic skills involved. Consider hosting a gingerbread house showcase where employees can visit the display, take photos, and enjoy the holiday spirit. This promotes a sense of unity, joy, and fun in the workplace.

5. Ugly Christmas Sweater Competition: The Ugly Christmas Sweater Competition is a lighthearted and humorous team building activity that adds a festive twist to your Christmas workplace party. It allows employees to showcase their creativity, sense of humor, and holiday spirit through the selection and design of their own “ugly” Christmas sweaters. Here’s some additional things you can do to execute a fun Ugly Christmas Sweater Competition:

  • Ugly Christmas Sweater Parade: Organize a parade or fashion show where participants can showcase their ugly Christmas sweaters to their colleagues. This can be done during a dedicated time slot at the Christmas workplace party. Each participant can have a chance to walk down a makeshift runway, allowing everyone to see and appreciate the designs. Encourage participants to strike a pose, add funny gestures, or even perform a short skit to enhance the humor.
  • Photography and Memories: Capture the fun and excitement of the Ugly Christmas Sweater Competition by taking photos of the participants wearing their sweaters. Share these photos with the employees afterward, either through a dedicated album, social media, or the company’s internal communication channels. This allows everyone to relive the experience, share the laughter, and create lasting memories.

6. Holiday Cooking or Baking Challenge: A holiday cooking or baking challenge is a delectable and engaging team building activity that combines culinary skills, teamwork, and the joy of creating delicious holiday treats. It allows employees to work together to plan, prepare, and present their own culinary masterpieces. Here’s some idea for your holiday cooking or baking challenge for your Christmas workplace party:

  • Recipe Selection: Choose a set of holiday-themed recipes that participants can choose from. Consider a variety of options, such as cookies, cakes, pies, or savory dishes. Ensure that the recipes are achievable within the given timeframe and provide options for individuals with dietary restrictions or preferences. This allows participants to select recipes that resonate with their culinary interests.
  • Recipe Exchange and Cookbook: Encourage participants to share their recipes with each other after the challenge. Consider creating a recipe booklet or digital cookbook containing the recipes from the cooking or baking challenge. Share this with all participants as a keepsake and a way to inspire future culinary adventures.

7. Secret Santa Gift Exchange: The Secret Santa gift exchange is a popular and heartwarming team-building activity that adds excitement and a sense of camaraderie to your Christmas workplace party. It involves employees anonymously exchanging gifts with their assigned “Secret Santa” recipients. Make it more exciting by doing the following:

  • Guessing Secret Santa: After the gifts have been opened, allow participants to guess who their Secret Santa was. This can be done through a fun guessing game or by having participants write down their guesses. Revealing the Secret Santa adds an element of surprise and joy as participants discover who has been thoughtful in selecting their gifts.
  • Sharing and Appreciation: Encourage participants to share and discuss their gifts with each other. This allows everyone to appreciate the thoughtfulness and effort put into selecting the gifts. It also provides an opportunity for conversation and connection among employees.
  • Gratitude and Thank You Notes: Promote a culture of gratitude by encouraging participants to express their appreciation for their Secret Santa. Consider providing thank you cards or a designated area where participants can write thank you notes to their Secret Santa. This helps foster a positive and appreciative workplace environment.

8. Holiday Movie Marathon: A holiday movie marathon is a cozy and enjoyable team-building activity that allows employees to relax, bond, and immerse themselves in the festive spirit. It involves screening a series of holiday-themed movies or films that evoke nostalgia and capture the magic of the holiday season. Here are some tips on how you can have an enjoyable holiday movie marathon for your Christmas workplace party:

  • Movie Selection: Choose a selection of holiday movies that appeal to a wide range of tastes and preferences. Consider including classics like “Home Alone,” “It’s a Wonderful Life,” “Elf,” “The Polar Express,” or other beloved holiday favorites. Aim for a mix of family-friendly movies and films that cater to different genres and themes. Ensure that the movies selected align with the values and culture of your workplace.
  • Snacks and Refreshments: No movie marathon is complete without delicious snacks and refreshments. Provide a variety of traditional movie snacks like popcorn, candy, and soda. You can also offer holiday-themed treats such as hot chocolate, gingerbread cookies, or eggnog. Consider accommodating dietary restrictions by including options that cater to various preferences or offering a range of snacks.
  • Raffle or Door Prizes: To add an element of excitement and reward participants, consider organizing a raffle or offering door prizes throughout the movie marathon. You can give out tickets or entry forms at the beginning of the event and draw winners during the breaks or at the end of the marathon. Prizes can include holiday-themed items, movie merchandise, or gift cards.

9. Christmas-themed Office Olympics: A Christmas-themed Office Olympics is a lively and engaging team-building activity that brings the spirit of competition and holiday cheer into the workplace. It involves organizing a series of fun and festive games and challenges for employees to participate in. Make sure to check the following key points:

  • Game Stations: Set up different game stations or areas for each game. Ensure that each station has the necessary equipment, supplies, and clear instructions for the participants. Assign volunteers or staff members to oversee each station and facilitate the smooth progression of the games. Rotate teams through the game stations to ensure equal opportunities for everyone.
  • Closing Ceremony and Awards: Conclude the Office Olympics with a closing ceremony where winners are announced and awards are presented. Celebrate the achievements of the teams and recognize individuals or teams who have excelled in specific games. Consider awarding medals, trophies, or certificates for categories such as “Overall Champion,” “Best Sportsmanship,” “Most Creative Team,” or “Best Teamwork.” Ensure that all participants feel appreciated for their efforts and contributions.
  • Team Building Reflection: After the closing ceremony, encourage participants to reflect on their experiences during the Office Olympics. Allow time for discussion and sharing of highlights, memorable moments, and lessons learned. This reflection period fosters team bonding and facilitates open communication among employees.

10. Holiday Trivia Night: A holiday trivia night is a fun and engaging team-building activity that challenges employees’ knowledge about various holiday-related topics. It combines friendly competition, laughter, and the opportunity to learn interesting facts about different holiday traditions and customs.  Some tips to make it engaging below:

  • Theme and Categories: Select a theme for your holiday trivia night, such as “Christmas Around the World,” “Holiday Movies and Songs,” or “Holiday Traditions and History.” Determine the categories that will be covered in the trivia questions, ensuring a balance of topics that appeal to a diverse range of interests and knowledge levels.
  • Game Format: Decide on the format for the trivia night. You can have a series of rounds with a predetermined number of questions in each round. Allocate a specific time limit for each question to keep the pace of the game lively. Consider using a multimedia presentation or an online trivia platform to display the questions and collect team responses.
  • Audience Participation: Encourage audience participation by including opportunities for spectators to contribute to the trivia night. For example, you can have a “stump the expert” round where audience members can submit their own holiday-related trivia questions to challenge the teams. This involvement enhances the overall engagement and enjoyment of the event.

This holiday season, make your Christmas workplace party memorable and meaningful by incorporating these 10 fun and festive team building activities. From volunteering for a local charity to hosting a holiday-themed cooking challenge, these activities will create a positive and engaging atmosphere for your employees. By promoting teamwork, collaboration, and the holiday spirit, you can strengthen relationships, boost morale, and foster a sense of camaraderie that will extend beyond the holiday season.

When it comes to finding the perfect holiday gifts and themed sets, look no further than Kinetic Promotional Products. We understand the importance of finding the right gifts that align with your brand and leave a lasting impression on recipients. Our company is dedicated to providing fun and high-quality products that are sure to impress your clients, employees, and business partners during the festive season. We also believe on the importance of deadlines, especially during the holiday season, and ensure that your gifts arrive on time, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business. When you choose Kinetic Promotional Products for your holiday gifting needs, you can trust that you’ll receive exceptional products, personalized service, and a seamless experience from start to finish.

About the author : Keith Nocus

Keith is a content writer for Kinetic Promotional Products. She specializes in creating content that engages readers and helps boost awareness. Her background is in communications and marketing and is passionate about leveraging the power of storytelling to produce engaging content that educates and entertains people on a deeper level. Whether it be working on blog posts, social media captions, email newsletters or campaigns—she always strive to deliver compelling content that resonates with the target audience.